James K. Copenhaver

James K. Copenhaver assumed the position of Director of Bands at the University of South Carolina in 1976 and is a Professor of Music on the USC School of Music faculty. Mr. Copenhaver earned BA and MMEd degrees at Morehead State University and completed two additional years of graduate study at Florida State University. Prior to his appointment at the University of South Carolina, he taught at Holmes High School in Covington (KY), Morehead State University, and Clemson University. At USC, Mr. Copenhaver is responsible for administering the total band program. He conducts the University Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band and teaches undergraduate and graduate wind and instrumental techniques classes. Under his guidance, the University of South Carolina band program has established a national reputation for excellence. The Symphonic Band has performed at conferences for the South Carolina Music Educators Association, Music Educators National Conference, College Band Directors National Association, and American Bandmasters Association.

Mr. Copenhaver is highly active as a clinician, having served as a guest conductor, lecturer, and adjudicator throughout the United States. Leading educational institutions have recognized him for his accomplishments in the areas of instrumental performance and music education. In recognition of his talents and service, he has received the Citation of Excellence from the National Band Association, the Distinguished Service to Music Medal for Instrumental Music Education from Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band Fraternity, and both the Outstanding Bandmaster Award and Outstanding Contributor Award from the South Carolina Chapter of Phi Beta Mu National Bandmaster Fraternity. In 2003, Mr. Copenhaver was inducted into the South Carolina Band Director’s “Hall of Fame”. Mr. Copenhaver is an active member of several professional organizations within the band field, including the prestigious American Bandmasters Association. He is a past president of both the National Band Association and the Southern Division of the College Band Director National Association. Mr. Copenhaver is the founder and co-conductor of the Palmetto Concert Band, an adult semi-professional concert band that presented the Grand Finale Concert at the 1999 Midwest International Band and Orchestra Clinic.