Helen Culp is a native of Rock Hill. She has served the SCBDA as secretary, chairperson, and host of the South Carolina District Music Festivals, among many other services. After receiving a B.S. in Music and an M.A. in Education, Ms. Culp taught in the Kingstree Schools and became the first full-time band director for Dillon School District #2. While there, she received the Dillon County Star Teacher Award in 1979. Her bands participated in all phases of the SCBDA events, twice winning the state marching band championships in their class. Her bands also gained national recognition through parade performances, including Miami’s “Orange Bowl,” “The Greatest Bands In Dixie Parade” in New Orleans, and New York City’s “Macy’s Parade.” Among her many career honors is “Career Woman of the Year” awarded by the Business and Professional Club. Ms. Helen Culp was inducted into the SCMEA Hall of Fame in 1996. She also received the 1992 Phi Beta Mu Outstanding Contributor Award. In addition to a career in education, she is a commercial artist and the designer of the official logo for the SCMEA. Now retired, Ms. Helen M. Culp serves as an adjudicator and artist illustrator for music-related needs and actively follows the musical careers of many former students.